- The store is an online store operating under the name LEOO, available via the Internet at
- Regulations are this document, specifying the rules of using the Store, including attachments.
- Seller – the managing entity of the Shop is Graphic Workshop JULO Julian Tłuszcz, Kończyce 43, 32-091 Michałowice, NIP number: 6761021088, Regon number: 350835328 registered in CEIDG (Central Register and Information on Economic Activity of the Republic of Poland) kept by the Ministry of Development.
- Seller – the managing entity of the Shop is Graphic Workshop JULO Julian Tłuszcz, Kończyce 43, 32-091 Michałowice, NIP number: 6761021088, Regon number: 350835328 registered in CEIDG (Central Register and Information on Economic Activity of the Republic of Poland) kept by the Ministry of Development.
- A consumer is a Customer who performs a legal action not related to his business or professional activity, using the Store’s functionality.
- A persistent medium is a material or tool that allows information stored directly to the recipient to be stored in a manner that ensures access to this information in the future for a reasonable period of time for the purpose for which the information is used, allowing the stored information to be restored unchanged.
Working days are days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays and public holidays.
Postanowienia wstępne
- The Regulations define the conditions for the Seller to provide services electronically via the Store. The Seller provides electronic services in accordance with the Regulations and the provisions of generally applicable law.
- Before using the services of the Seller provided through the Store, the Customer should read the Regulations, because it shapes his rights and obligations.
The Seller makes every effort to make it possible to use the Store 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In order to use the Store, it is necessary for the Customer to have a teleinformation device with access to the Internet, correctly configured web browser in the current or previous version: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera, as well as active and properly a configured e-mail account.
The information provided on the Store’s website does not constitute an offer of the Seller within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code, but an invitation to submit offers by Clients.
Contact with the Seller is possible with the use of the following data: Graphic Workshop JULO, Kończyce 43, 32-091 Michałowice, tel .: +48 501484920, e-mail address:
- It is forbidden to place illegal content or infringing good customs within the Store.
- It is forbidden to place a good store within the Store.
- The object of the Store’s activity is, in particular, the sale of decorative elements for interior design purposes.
- After clicking on the decoration you are interested in, the customer will be able to buy the selected product.
- The store provides the opportunity to personalize selected products based on the initials, names and dedications chosen by the customer.
- The customer may become familiar with the main features of the product before placing the order, based on the description presented on the Store’s website dedicated to the product.
- All prices presented on the Store’s websites dedicated to a given product or website serving individual parameterization of the product are gross prices, but do not include the costs of product delivery and, if applicable, the costs of the payment method chosen by the Customer. The costs of delivery of the product and, if applicable, the costs resulting from the payment method chosen by the Customer shall be borne by the Customer.
Zamówienia i płatności
- If you are interested in purchasing a product, the customer should use the functionality of the Store “add to basket”. Using the “add to basket” functionality, the customer can order more than one product.
- As part of the “add to basket” functionality, the Customer makes a selection (from the list) of the country – to which the product is to be delivered.
- As part of the “add to basket” functionality, the customer is presented with products designated by him to order together with a description and unit prices, the total price of the order, cost and delivery time, depending on the country of delivery chosen and the customer discounts. As part of this functionality, the Customer has the option of canceling the order of a given product using the “remove (x)” functionality. The customer is entitled to order more products with the same characteristics.
- The total costs of selling products and their delivery, excluding any costs resulting from the payment method chosen by the Customer, are presented as part of the “add to basket” functionality in the “Total” field.
- If the customer is interested in purchasing products presented as part of the “add to basket” functionality, the customer should use the “go to checkout” functionality.
- As part of the “go to checkout” functionality, the Customer in particular: provides personal data necessary to complete the order process, indicates whether he wishes to issue an invoice, indicates the delivery address, if different from the customer’s address and chooses the payment method. In the “total pay” field, all costs are presented to the Customer, which the Customer will be required to pay in the event of placing an order, taking into account the costs of the payment method chosen by the Customer.
- The seller provides the opportunity to pay for products: by bank transfer, through an external payment system (Imoje) or PayPal payment system.
- In case of interest in the final awarding of the contract, the customer should use the functionality of “place an order”.
- Placing an order means that the Customer accepts the Regulations and submits an offer by the Customer to purchase the ordered products.
- Confirmation of the order takes place by sending an e-mail by the Seller to the e-mail address of the Customer. Confirmation of the order acceptance is tantamount to acceptance by the Seller of the purchase offer of ordered products, submitted by the Customer and the conclusion of the sales contract for these products between the Seller and the Customer.
- Along with the confirmation of the order, the Seller provides the Customer with the terms and conditions recorded on a permanent carrier. If you do not receive an order confirmation covering the above-mentioned content, the Customer should contact the Seller.
- If the order can not be executed, the Seller shall inform the Customer about this fact by phone or electronically, for the purposes of making individual arrangements.
- The delivery of the ordered products to the Customer takes place via the messenger cooperating with the Seller – promptly and usually within 2 Business Days. The time of delivery of the Products may change if the order is changed by the Customer.
- The products are released after the Customer has paid for the products, including the costs of their delivery and, if applicable, the payment method chosen by the Customer.
- Orders are sent by courier DPD, or UPS. The cost of delivery in Poland is 16 PLN.
- The seller confirms the delivery of the products to the deliveror by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the customer.
- The delivered parcel should be examined by the customer in the presence of the delivery agent. In the case of damage to the parcel or product, the Customer has the right to request the proper protocol; the Customer should notify the Seller immediately about the circumstances.
- The Seller provides a document confirming the conclusion of the sales contract together with the products subject to issuing to the Customer, including an invoice, or sends this document to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer, depending on the Client’s will.
Tryb postępowania reklamacyjnego
- The seller has a statutory obligation to provide the customer with items without defects.
- The customer may submit a complaint to the address of the Seller indicated in §2 para. 6 of the Regulations.
- In the complaint, the Customer should provide his identification details and indicate reservations and requests. In order to speed up the recognition of a complaint, the Customer should, if possible, adequately secure and provide the advertised product of the Seller together with documents confirming the purchase.
- The seller recognizes complaints within 14 days from the date of notification
- If the Seller does not accept the complaint, he will agree with the Customer the preferred way for the product to be picked up by the Customer.
- The basis of the complaint may not be slight deviations of the delivered product from the one offered in the store. A slight deviation is considered small differences in the format, type and quality of the substrate, which technologically in the production process is inevitable. The basis of the complaint may not be the differences in the color of the actual product in relation to the color of this product, reproduced by the computer monitor. The shop will also not accept a complaint in case of improper handling of the product or its improper assembly.
Warunki gwarancji
- All products are covered by a 12-month warranty.
- Liability under the warranty covers only defects arising from causes inherent in the item sold.
- The customer may exercise the powers under the warranty for physical defects of things regardless of the rights arising from the warranty. Execution of the rights from the guarantee does not affect the liability of the Seller under the warranty. In the event of performance of the guarantee by the Customer, the time limit for exercising the rights under the warranty shall be suspended as of the date of notifying the Seller of the defect. This period shall run further from the date of refusal by the guarantor to perform his obligations resulting from the guarantee or ineffective expiry of time for their performance.
- When exercising the rights resulting from the guarantee, the client should deliver the item at the expense of the guarantor to the place indicated in the guarantee or to the place where the item was issued at the warranty, unless the circumstances indicate that the defect should be removed at the place where the item was at the time the defect is revealed. The guarantor is obliged to perform his duties within the period specified in the warranty statement, and if not specified – immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of delivery of the item by the person authorized by the guarantee, and provide him with the cost at his own expense indicated above. The guarantor bears the risk of accidental loss or damage of things from the time it is handed over to the guarantor to pick it up by the person authorized by the guarantee.
- If, in the performance of its duties, the guarantor provided the defective person with a guarantee instead of the faulty item or made material repairs to the item covered by the warranty, the warranty period runs again from the moment of delivery of the item free from defects or returning the repaired item. If the guarantor exchanged some of the items, the above provision shall apply accordingly to the part mentioned. In other cases, the warranty period is extended by the time during which, due to a defect of the item covered by the guarantee, the person entitled to the guarantee could not use it.
Warunki rękojmi
- As part of making a warranty claim, the Customer may: 1demand the exchange of things for something free from defects; 2request removal of the defect; 3submit a price reduction statement; 4submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract.
- If the sold item has a defect, the Customer may submit a statement about the price reduction or withdrawal from the contract, unless the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience for the customer will replace the defective item with a defect-free one or remove the defect. This limitation does not apply if the item has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller or the Seller did not satisfy the obligation to replace the item for one free from defects or to remove the defect.
- If the Customer is a Consumer, instead of the defect proposed by the Seller, request replacement of the item for free from defects, or instead of replacing things, demand removal of the defect, unless bringing things to compliance with the contract in the manner chosen by the Consumer is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the way proposed by the Seller. When assessing the excess of costs, the value of the item free of defects is taken into account, the type and significance of the defect found, and also the inconvenience to which the Consumer would otherwise expose the satisfaction.
- The reduced price should remain in such a proportion to the price resulting from the contract, in which the value of the item with the defect remains to the value of the item without a defect.
- The customer can not withdraw from the contract if the defect is irrelevant.
- If the sold item has a defect, the Customer may demand the exchange of things for free from defects or removal of the defect. The seller is obliged to replace the defective item with one free from defects or to remove the defect within a reasonable time without excessive inconvenience to the customer. The Seller may refuse to satisfy the Customer’s request if it is impossible to bring the defective item into conformity with the contract in a manner chosen by the Customer or would require excessive costs compared to the second possible way to bring it into compliance with the contract. If the Customer is an entrepreneur, the Seller may refuse to exchange the item for one free of defects or remove the defect also when the cost of compensation exceeds the price of the item sold.
- The customer who exercises the rights under the warranty is obliged to provide the defective item to the place marked in the sales contract at the expense of the Seller, and when such a place is not specified in the contract – to the place where the item was delivered to the Customer. If, due to the type of thing or the method of its installation, delivery of things by the Customer would be excessively difficult, the Customer is obliged to provide the item to the Seller in the place where the item is located. The provisions of para. 7 applies to the return of goods in the event of withdrawal from the contract and exchange of items for free from defects.
- The costs of replacement or repair shall be borne by the Seller. In particular, this includes the costs of dismantling and delivering items, labor, materials and reassembly and commissioning.
- Sprzedający obowiązany jest przyjąć od Klienta rzecz wadliwą w razie wymiany rzeczy na wolną od wad lub odstąpienia od umowy.
- If the Customer who is a Consumer has demanded a replacement or a defect, or a price reduction statement, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and the Seller did not respond to the request within 14 days, it is considered reasonable to demand this.
- If the Seller is allowed to delay collection of the item, the Customer may return the item at the expense and risk of the Seller. In the case of sales between entrepreneurs, the Customer is entitled, and if the Seller’s interests so require – sell the thing with due diligence if there is a risk of deterioration. The Customer should inform the Seller as much as possible about the intention to sell, in any case he should send him a notification immediately after the sale. The customer may also return the seller’s item at his expense and risk.
- A claim for the removal of a defect or replacement of the item sold for free from defects expires after one year from the date of finding the defect. If the Customer is a Consumer, the period of limitation may not end before two years have elapsed. In the above dates, the Customer may submit a statement of withdrawal from the contract or a price reduction due to a defect in the item sold. If the customer has demanded the exchange of things for free from defects or removal of the defect, the running of the period for submitting the declaration of withdrawal from the contract or price reduction begins with the ineffective expiry of the deadline for replacing the item or removing the defect.
Prawo do odstąpienia od umowy przez Konsumenta
- The consumer may withdraw from the contract of sale of the product without giving a reason within 365 days from taking the product into possession by the consumer or a third party indicated by him, excluding the delivery agent, and in the case of a contract that includes many things that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts – from taking possession of the last thing, party or part.
- Declaration of withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the product Consumer can submit in the form of an e-mail, traditional mail or telephone, using the contact details of the Seller, indicated in § 2 sec. 6 of the Regulations.
- The declaration on withdrawal from the product sale agreement may also be submitted by the consumer using the form – constituting an attachment to the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, available for download here and delivered to the Customer along with the confirmation of the conclusion of a distance contract on a durable medium.
- In the event of receiving a statement of withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer, the Seller shall immediately send the Consumer confirmation of receipt of this statement, on a Durable medium.
- If the Consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract, the Seller shall return to the Consumer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivering the products. Returns to the Consumer shall take place immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt by the Seller of the Consumer’s statement on withdrawal from the contract.
- The payment is refunded using the same method of payment, which was used by the Consumer, unless he agrees to another solution, which does not involve any costs for him. The seller may withhold the return of the payment until receiving the return of the product or confirmation of the return of the product, depending on which event occurs first.
- The Seller is not obliged to refund the additional costs of delivering the product incurred by the Consumer, if the Consumer has chosen a delivery method other than the cheapest method of delivery offered by the Seller.
- The customer is liable for the decrease in the value of the product as a result of its use in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.
- The right to withdraw from the Agreement is not entitled to the Consumer: if the Seller has fully performed the service with the express consent of the Consumer who has been informed before the provision begins that after fulfilling the provision by the Seller, he will lose the right to withdraw from the Agreement, if the contract concerns a non-prefabricated product, manufactured according to the Consumer’s specification or serving to satisfy his individual needs, in particular with the use of graphics provided by the Consumer, if the contract concerns products which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other items.
- Immediately, however, no later than within 14 days from the day on which the Consumer has withdrawn from the contract, he is obliged to return the product to the Seller or hand it over to the person authorized by the Seller. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the product before the deadline expires. Returns of products are made to the address of the Seller indicated in §2 para. 6 of the Regulations. This provision shall not apply if the Seller has offered to pick up the product himself.
- Sprzedawca zobowiązuje się do odebrania produktu na swój koszt, gdy ze względu na jego charakter nie można odesłać produktu w zwykły sposób pocztą, a jednocześnie produkt został dostarczony Konsumentowi do miejsca, w którym zamieszkiwał w chwili zawarcia umowy.
- The seller undertakes to collect the product at his own expense if, due to its nature, the product can not be sent in the usual way by post, and at the same time the product was delivered to the consumer in the place where he lived at the time the contract was concluded.
Ochrona prywatności i dane osobowe
- The Seller is the administrator of the Customer’s personal data provided in connection with the use of the Store.
- Personal data will be processed by the Seller and persons acting on his behalf solely for the purpose of proper performance of obligations arising from orders placed by the Customer, including for the purpose of executing concluded contracts. Providing personal data is voluntary, but may be necessary for correct verification and execution of the order.
- The Seller does not share personal data included in the Store’s database with other entities. These data are collected with due diligence and adequately protected against access by unauthorized persons, in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data.
- In particular, the customer has the right to inspect their personal data, to correct them and request to cease processing of such data and to request their removal.
- The seller informs that the internal store logs of the Store’s server (system logs) automatically save the page requests sent when users visit their websites. System logs contain a page request sent by the user, an IP address, browser type, browser language, request date and time, and at least one “cookie” file that can uniquely identify a user’s browser.
The “cookie” file contains a string of characters that is sent to the user’s computer when visiting the Store. When the user visits the Store again, the user’s browser may be recognized by the Shop due to the “cookie” file. In the browser settings, you can choose the option of rejecting “cookies” or signaling that such a file has been sent. The Store User may consent to the use of “cookie” files. If the user does not agree to the use of these files, some functionalities of the Store may not work properly.
- Data collected in the system logs is used by the Seller only to administer the Store.
Postanowienia końcowe
- The provisions of the Regulations constitute an integral part of the product sale agreement concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
The Seller provides the Regulations free of charge on the Store’s website.
- All disputes between the Seller and the Customer will be resolved first through negotiation, with the intention of an amicable conclusion.
- The consumer has the option of using out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. The consumer may, in particular, ask the competent authority for mediation or refer the case to an arbitration court, or submit a dispute to a permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection or apply to the Municipal (Poviat) Consumer Ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include the protection of consumers (eg the Consumer Federation or the Association of Polish Consumers).
- The Seller is not responsible for the benefits lost by the Customer who is not a Consumer.
The provisions of the Regulations are not intended to exclude or limit the rights of the Customer, including the rights of the Customer being a Consumer, resulting from the provisions of generally applicable law.
In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the provisions of the generally applicable law apply. In the event of non-compliance of the provisions of the Regulations with the provisions of generally applicable law, priority is given to these provisions.
- The regulations are valid from 02/07/2012.